Q&A videos - Unified Index - All the questions

Hi, this is a collection of the text of all the answered questions from Dr Peterson’s Q&A videos.

I made it for myself beginning over a year ago, offline, used for text-searching the doc for keywords and because I’ve seen so many of these and sometimes the questions come back to mind within various contexts, it’s easier to find and refer people to time-synchronized youtube URLs when need be, based on this document.

I’m going to edit this post profusely: better formatting, text and timestamp corrections, new material from new videos, etc. If you are interested in following this, I guess you could like/love/follow the post, so you can get notifications. But I am not sure exactly how notifications work in Discourse.

For fun, I competed in January 2019 and was successfully the first person to submit an index, which Dr P pinned but later unpinned in favour of someone else. Hahaha life goes on. The Q&A indexing has been one of many interests of mine so, the benefit of all, here it is.


PS. If there’s something like this already on the forum, please let me know. I searched for Q&A stuff, didn’t find any.

Jordan Peterson Q&A: Disney Propaganda and Why Bashing Religion Doesn’t Make You Smart

21 Jul 2016

Kierke Gaard

  • 0:41 What does this mean: “People don’t have ideas; ideas have people.”
  • 3:01 Why do we feel exposed and vulnerable when we know and do what we really like?
  • 5:10 How can high school teachers best promote virtue, cultivate morality, and tackle the meaning crisis in the face of an increasingly chaotic, violent, and dehumanized future?
  • 11:27 Is mindfulness really beneficial or is it just a trend?
  • 12:14 How can Disney produce an archetypal masterpiece in the mid 90s (Lion King) and then turn around and create propaganda in the new millennium (Frozen)?
  • 14:46 You have said that to study history is to study oneself, and that one will be much more grounded and strong if they do so. Will you please talk more on this?
  • 18:54 Why do humans enjoy sad stories?
  • 20:51 If Christianity has much historical wisdom to offer, why is it so derided in the academy? Is this a good thing or a bad thing?
  • 32:12 Nice jacket.
  • 32:24 Can you explain Nietzsche’s general philosophy and some of his most famous ideas?
  • 42:12 Is it a good idea to believe in healthy delusions, like karma or life after death?
  • 44:35 What did Camus mean by revolt in The Myth of Sisyphus? What are some ways to revolt without being destructive? Or should one simply be a good ant?
  • 47:35 MRA people are often quite smart. Why do they have a strong tendency toward atheism?
  • 49:38 Can you explain why the convential wisdom about ancient people is so at odds with your ideas about ancient people?

April 1 2017 Patreon Q & A (#1 in a monthly series)

30 Mar 2017

8 months ago (edited)

  • 0:20 – And that’s that :wink:
  • 1:43 – (Q#1) What is your advice for finding a sane, sound therapist?
  • 4:45 – (Q#1.5) Does a fruitful psychotherapeutic relationship require the therapist to have temperamental compatibility or shared interests with the patient?
  • 5:36 – (Q#2) I heard you recently say that if a woman doesn’t want a baby by the age 30, something is unhealthy [….] When you say something might be wrong or unhealthy, where might I look?
  • 8:41 – (Q#3) What do you think of Paul Joseph Watson’s position that populism is the new punk/counterculture?
  • 10:25 – (Q#4) Was there ever a time when you saw a therapist of some kind?
  • 12:10 – (Q#5) You emphasize the spoken truth and negotiation as the alternative to war and cite Solzhenitsyn as a brilliant documenter of the potential or inevitable fall-out of deceit. But in Solzhenitsyn’s diagnosis of the factors leading to the Gulag Archipelago he also included the failure of people to take a violent stance to disrupt tyranny [….] Do the weapons and power of today make violence an inviable course of action?
  • 15:53 – (Q#6) What are your thoughts on Brexit?
  • 19:33 – (Q#7) Is “remove the toxic people in your life” wholly good advice?
  • 21:49 – (Q#8) What do you think of the phrase “Diversity is our Strength”
  • 23:07 – (Q#9) Do you have any practical advice on how I can improve my ability to concentrate and pay attention to the world around me?
  • 31:04 – (Q#10) Why didn’t you upload your talk from Western U?
  • 31:27 – Some comments about equity (equality of outcome) – content from U Calgary talk
  • 35:00 – “I love you Dr. Peterson”
  • 35:13 – (Q#11) What are your thoughts on the use of amphetamines to improve conscientiousness?
  • 35:42 – (Q#12) I experienced tremendous abuse as a child and it has led to me being a doormat for abuse. I seek out people who reject me, and reject people who seek me out. How do I break this cycle?
  • 38:29 – (Q#13) Is it safe to go into psychology in university?
  • 39:57 – (Q#14) What music do you like?
  • 41:33 – (Q#15) What do you think about the removal of comments (which were all favourable to you) from the recent Hamilton Spectator article online?
  • 43:31 – (Q#16) How will rescuing my father from the belly of the whale help me with regards to leftist ideologies?
  • 46:47 – WHAT THE HELL IS IT DOING?! …. “This is the fault of post-modernists”
  • 48:23 – “Don’t yell at Julian” :slight_smile:
  • 48:49 – (Q#16) What’s up with the socks?
  • 49:19 – Some comments on dietary effects on depression, particularly in the context of autoimmunity
  • 53:35 – (Q#17) As someone who got a humanities degree, bought into post-modern ideology completely and, until hearing your lectures, couldn’t pin-point that feeling of aimlessness, hopelessness, and aversion to responsibility, how do I begin sorting myself out?
  • 58:35 – (Q#18) Is this chat really just Patreons?
  • 1:00:00 – (Q#19) Why don’t you use a dedicated microphone and headphones?
  • 1:00:48 – Some reflection on YouTube comments…
  • 1:01:52 – (Q#20) What is the role of psychology in the selective reconstruction of ethics?
  • 1:04:43 – (Q#21) How do you walk the line of being too agreeable or too disagreeable when in a relationship?
  • 1:06:29 – “Julian is cute”
  • 1:06:53 – “I love your serious tone when answering dumb questions”
  • 1:07:02 – (Q#22) How tall are you?
  • 1:07:21 – (Q#23) My father is dead. Who do I save from the whale?
  • 1:07:37 – Some more comments on the Paleo diet; possible links between western diet and psychiatric morbidity
  • 1:09:53 – (Q#24) Is snoring a bad thing?
  • 1:10:21 – (Q#25) What would you recommend for someone who wants to be productive in their free time but just gets sucked into video games and other distractions?
  • 1:12:08 –“Hey Julian! Someone thinks you’re cute”
  • 1:12:46 – (Q#26) What type of therapy should I seek for my social anxiety with so many options available?
  • 1:13:53 – (Q#27) Do you think science is a different domain than religion, and therefore can’t answer questions in each other’s domain?
  • 1:15:35 – (Q#28) How old were you when everything you understood started to come together?
  • 1:18:39 – (Q#29) Isn’t the Future-Authoring program just praying?
  • 1:19:50 – (Q#30) What is your favourite Biblical story?
  • 1:22:40 – (Q#31) Are you in the Illuminati……
  • 1:23:21 – (Q#32) Will you ever visit Fredericton?
  • 1:23:42 – Book release: “12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos”
  • 1:25:10 – (Q#33) How did the post-modernists so successfully take over the education system?
  • 1:26:28 – (Q#34) What is the relationship between IQ and wisdom?
  • 1:27:51 – (Q#35) I think the of psychedelic drugs in my youth has made my thinking cloudy and uncertain. What can I do about this now?
  • 1:29:24 – (Q#36) Do you believe in the power of Lord Kek? What do you think about the rise of Meme Magic?
  • 1:30:19 – (Q#37) Is there a universal female story opposite to the hero myth?
  • 1:31:27 – (Q#38) What do you think is the archetypal significance of the popularity of the anti-hero in American television.
  • 1:34:51 – (Q#39) What is your favourite meme made of you?
  • 1:37:47 – (Q#40) What are your personal spiritual practices and rituals? …… “The Simpsons and Trailer Park Boys” :smiley:
  • 1:40:17 – Announcement: Lecture series on the Bible (start May 16 or 23) & Moderate Muslim Intellectual Movement in Canada

June 1 2017 Patreon Q & A (#2 in a monthly series)

1 Jun 2017

6 months ago (edited)

  • 1:04 – (Live question#1) I work at MaRS in Toronto. Can you share your thoughts on why it hasn’t worked?
  • 1:44 – (Live question #2) Considering the overwhelming success of the Patreon account and the money raised by Rebel what will you be doing with the contributions?
  • 10:40 – (Patreon Q#1) Is the belief in something more than experienced reality unreasonable?
  • 13:22 – (Live comment #3) I’m a 58 year old American redneck who never went to college a day in his life, but I feel like I’m getting a world class education every day. Thank you Dr. Peterson. You are very cool.
  • 14:22 – Some comments on the university situation nowadays, and the prospect of moving higher education online.
  • 16:42 – (Patreon Q#2) Are you feeling alright; how is your health?
  • 18:54 – (Live question #4) What is the female to male ratio is in your classes currently?
  • 19:50 – (Live question #5) What are your thoughts on the Book of Revelation in the Bible?
  • 20:50 – (Live comment #6) You look great!
  • 21:08 – (Patreon Q#3) Do you see any downside on a child getting raised by its father in the first 3 years while the mother is working full time? Are there any psychological consequences for the child to be expected?
  • 25:41 – (Patreon Q#4) Do you think that boys in our society are in need of a concrete transition to manhood, like a modern day initiation ritual?
  • 29:02 – (Live comment #5) I’m halfway finished cleaning my disaster of a room
  • 29:38 – Room cleaning tangent - Book recommendation: Mysterium Conjunctionis (Carl Jung).
  • 37:12 – (Live question #6) Thoughts on the Jews?
  • 39:36 – (Patreon Q#5) How did you meet your wife and why did you marry her?
  • 44:07 – (Patreon Q#6) What’s your advice to young men seeking a woman for marriage and family?
  • 52:03 – (Live question #7) On the other hand, what is your advice to high achieving females for finding a man?
  • 55:21 – (Live question #8) How do I get over my fear of driving? I’m an adult and not having a licence is crippling me.
  • 57:52 – (Live question #9) Any suggestions for someone about to start University?
  • 59:35 – (Patreon Q#7) With the majority of your audience being men, how would you characterize the few women that are genuinely interested in your videos? Does it mean their masculine side might be preeminent?
  • 1:00:54 – (Patreon Q#8) What should I do if every time I voluntarily confront my problems, I get too overwhelmed with stress to make progress solving them?
  • 1:04:54 – (Live comment #10) Green Bastard – “I missed your question, but I like your handle”
  • 1:05:28 – (Live comment #11) Can I send you names of US/Canadian scholars who are grounded in Western culture and traditional Islam. You should reach out to them before Ayaan Hirsi
  • 1:06:06 – (Live question #12) Do you have any advice for figuring out if vengeance is ever a good thing or if it is always bad
  • 1:09:12 – (Patreon Q#9) I’d like to take a good big 5 test. I have noticed there are many online. Where can I find the most accurate test to take?
  • 1:10:20 – (Patreon Q#10) If psychedelics increase openness and openness is correlated with intelligence, can psychedelics increase intelligence?
  • 1:11:43 – (Patreon Q#11) To what extent do you believe that discourse with moderate Muslims can lead to reform of the ideology/faith such that the gap between Islamic and Western beliefs can be bridged?
  • 1:14:36 – (Live question #13) How many times should I clean my room?
  • 1:16:04 – (Patreon Q#12) What is your IQ?
  • 1:18:33 – (Patreon Q#13) I would love to hear you do a lecture series on raising children properly. Is that something you would consider?
  • 1:20:49 – (Live question #14) Why is it so important to have kids if the world has an over-population problem?
  • 1:27:50 – (Patreon Q#14) What are your thoughts on using psychedelics to help people overcome traumatic experiences?
  • 1:30:13 – (Patreon Q#15) If we have betrayed or let people down in the past, how does one move on without guilt turning pathological?
  • 1:33:01 – (Patreon Q#16) As a female I never had a great inclination to start a family. After watching your material I’m struggling w how much of that drive is my own vs brainwashing by 3rd wave feminists. How do I parse that out?
  • 1:34:32 – (Patreon Q#17) I follow your daughter’s food blog where she has recently talked about her pregnancy. What are your thoughts on becoming a grandfather?
  • 1:35:39 – (Patreon Q#18) If dominance hierarchies select for heroes and breed them, why then is Christ a celibate man? Isn’t celibacy an excuse for cowardice?
  • 1:37:28 – (Live question #15) I have a B.A. in political science and haven’t had any job offers in anything other than retail or all-commission sales in over a year. What should I be applying for?
  • 1:43:04 – (Live question #16) Advice for a break up after 4 years? I still feel like she is the one.
  • 1:44:51 – (Live question #17) How do you get over hiding something because people will think of you differently or treat you worse, especially family members and others close to you?
  • 1:46:46 – (Live question #18) What’s wrong with Maslow’s hierarchy of needs?
  • 1:48:47 – (Live question #19) Can you further explain your disapproval of Ayn Rand?
  • 1:52:56 – (Live question #20) Are there evil persons with no redeeming qualities?
  • 1:53:43 – (Live question #21) How do you make time to read for leisure?
  • 1:54:08 – (Live comment #22) I’m 23, wheel-chair bound, I can’t afford college and I don’t have the services to get me through it. I’m glad I found you online. My favourite subject is psychology. I’m very intrigued by it.
  • 1:55:06 – (Live comment #23) What do you do for fun?
  • 1:56:32 – (Live comment #24) What should I do if my girlfriend isn’t satisfying me sexually?
  • 1:57:59 – (Live comment #25) What are your thoughts on George Orwell?
  • 1:58:58 – (Live comment #26) Advice for aspiring academics, especially philosophy graduate students?
  • 2:00:12 – (Live comment #27) How do you motivate yourself to do something you don’t enjoy but deem important?
  • 2:02:37 – (Patreon Q#19) What do you think about the line that’s often fed young people to “do what you love” and “follow your dreams”?
  • 2:04:47 – (Patreon Q#20) What are your thoughts on sleep paralysis?
  • 2:06:35 – (Patreon Q#21) Your essay writing guidance has proven invaluable. Do you have any guidance round taking notes from books and lectures?
  • 2:09:13 – (Patreon Q#22) What did postmodernists get right?
  • 2:09:55 – (Patreon Q#23) You mentioned switching to a Paleo diet some time ago, and from the way your physical appearance seems to have improved, I would say it’s working quite well. Could we have more details into your diet?
  • 2:11:52 – (Patreon Q#24) What is your advice for people that aren’t very social and have a hard time making friends?
  • 2:14:23 – Closing remarks

July Patreon Q and A

3 Jul 2017

Viktoria Serkis
5 months ago (edited)

  • 0:52 – Patreon Q#1 – What’s an effective way to figure out how to match your career with your temperament? How can you determine if a job is a good fit or a terrible mistake?
  • 5:22 – Live Comment #1 – Just wanted to tell you that you’re the first people to actually make me read books. I have a background in math and engineering; lots of formulas and equations. Keep up your work!
  • 5:46 – Live Comment #2 - It’s definitely worth studying the humanities. It gives you a skillset you can apply anywhere.
  • 7:14 – Patreon Q#2 – Piaget’s final stage of morality was “he who can create the rules”. Would you please provide an example of what that means? I’m having trouble differentiating that from moral relativism.
  • 8:49 – Patreon Q#3 – Women have a tendency to prefer ‘bad men’ higher in dark triad traits. How come the bible describes a mode of being as associated with ‘nice guy’ traits which contradict that behaviour?
  • 11:58 – Patreon Q#4 – Which is the most accessible of Jung’s books? Which is the most impactful to you?
  • 13:03 – Patreon Q#5 – What are your personal strategies for consuming the news? How do you walk the line between wanting to be informed while avoiding the danger of cluttering your mind?
  • 14:19 – Live Q#3 – How we revive interest in the ‘good mother’ archetype?
  • 18:22 – Live Q#4 – Highly creative, stupendously low in conscientiousness. Am I doomed?
  • 20:56 – Live Q#5 – My goal is to be married and on my way to starting a family within 5 years. Is this a legitimate goal to have for myself?
  • 22:35 – Live Q#6 – Do you suggest homeschooling with the state public schools are currently in?
  • 24:00 – Live Q#7 – Why is Jordan Peterson’s webcam 1000 times better than all my favorite YouTubers with millions of subscribers?
  • 24:42 – Live Q #8 – How do you plan to buffer yourself from the deteriorating side effect of success?
  • 32:45 – Live Comment#9 – I have also done better in a lot of things due to your kicks in the ass!
  • 36:11 – Live Q#10 – Being a highly creative woman, I find myself fearful that having kids will be spiritual suicide, hindering my endeavors, but I also don’t want an unfulfilled life. Can I have a full life w/o kids?
  • 38:59 – Live Comment #11 – I feared having kid(s) for the same reasons (I’m a fulltime pro artist)… “You make your own normal” said my therapist. JP is peaking the truth! Just make sure it doesn’t happen…
  • 41:36 – Live Q # 12 – When are you appearing on H3H3?
  • 41:51 – Live Q#13 – How do you help someone with borderline personality disorder?
  • 42:38 – Patreon Q#6 – Some people have criticized your portrayal of Postmodernism, in what ways would you’d claim you were fair/unfair in your assessment of its core principles?
  • 50:15 – Live Q#14 – Would you end your career as an academic in order to enter politics as a candidate for Member of Parliament under Andrew Scheer’s leadership?
  • 51:54 – Live Q#15 – What is the role of art in a healthy culture? Is postmodernism as destructive in this domain as in politics?
  • 57:37 – Live Q#16 – Have you ever had to tell someone that they are best suited to a subservient/blue-collar lifestyle because they don’t have any semblance of brilliance?
  • 1:01:28 – Live Comment #17 – I feel sensitive to meme culture/irony, it seems hard to act out honesty when every facet of human behavior has turned into a meme, so I worry people’s natural reaction will be to mock or scoff
  • 1:04:42 – Live Comment #18 – lol, Jordan watches Trailer Park Boys
  • 1:05:21 – Live Q#19 – What is your advice for someone who lives with chronic pain? How can I discipline myself mentally in order to be productive when I feel awful all the time? What coping methods can I use?
  • 1:08:53 – Live Q #20 – Is joining the military a respectable path for my life?
  • 1:09:47 – Patreon Q#7 – Becoming a truthful person involves dealing with the guilt of past lies. Is it better to come clean about old lies even if they will ruin lives, or forgive yourself and focus on living truthfully now?
  • 1:12:27 – Patreon Q#8 – You’ve said that a marriage must be based on trust & transparency and “being shackled together”. How and for how long should you get to know someone? How to set a foundation without scaring them off?
  • 1:20:40 – Patreon Q#9 – How does it feel to be viewed as a father figure by many people who grew up without one?
  • 1:21:35 – Patreon Q#10 – How do you formulate good questions, given that a well-oriented question seems often more critical than the answer?
  • 1:23:53 – Patreon Q#11 – You’ve said that positive emotion comes from moving towards a goal, but also that friends and family are critical to a fulfilling life. Are both of those hitting the same neural circuits?
  • 1:25:05 –Patreon Q#12 – Not to take away from your interpretations, but for a skeptic, how do you know that your analyses of Biblical stories are true? That you’re not reading further into them than what they are?

2017/08/14: Patreon Q and A [Q & A 2018 08 August B]

14 Aug 2017

Viktoria Serkis
1 year ago

  • 6:46 – (Live Q#1) Are there any women/girls in the audience?
  • 7:40 – (Patreon Q#1) What would be a practical approach for developing your shadow?
  • 15:54 – (Patreon Q#2) What is your opinion on open relationships/polyamory/other forms of non-monogamy?
  • 17:16 – (Patreon Q#3) My girlfriend is quite overweight but I really love her. Should I try to encourage her to lose weight? Aside from personal preference, is this likely to explode into a major issue down the road?
  • 19:39 – (Patreon Q#4) What is the story behind your logo that you use in your intros? Where did it come from?
  • 27:18 – (Patreon Q#5) For those who are very creative but high in neuroticism. How should one work to gain emotional stability in order to go out into chaos to do more creative things?
  • 30:49 – (Patreon Q#6) How would you suggest someone who is a jack of all trades and master of none conduct themselves? I am yet to find my passion.
  • 33:41 – (Patreon Q#7) What is the female equivalent of the hero archetype?
  • 39:43 – (Patreon Q#8) What is it you are doing to avoid becoming arrogant? Your current situation is very inviting for that.
  • 45:00 – (Patreon Q#9) In one of your lectures you said the film Frozen was garbage; can you elaborate on your thoughts on the film? Also have you seen Moana?
  • 45:50 – (Patreon Q#10) What were you like when you were 25?
  • 51:08 – (Live Q#2) Please get a better quality microphone.
  • 52:26 – (Live Q#3) I’m 20 my parents have made it clear they don’t want me to leave home. They are both drug addicted, depressed, and antisocial. How do I leave without killing the only positive relationship they have?
  • 54:28 – (Live Q#4) Do you have in mind a more specific breakdown of the social sciences, for example, is one lacking more than the others (i.e. Philosophy vs. Sociology)
  • 58:22 – (Live Q#5) Did you fail any classes at University?
  • 59:32 – (Live comment#6) 225 pounds isn’t bad (bench press weight)
  • 59:54 – (Live Q#7) You claim hierarchies are efficient enough, and yet you claim that 95% of creative people get stuck at the bottom…
  • 1:03:13 – (Live Q#8) What evil deity will enslave the human race come the eclipse?
  • 1:03:22 – (Live Q#9) What is the difference between equity and equality?
  • 1:09:15 – (Live Q#10) What does your average daily schedule consist of?
  • 1:11:12 – (Live Q#11) In Tolstoy’s “Confessions”, he talks about meaning in faith. He had many problems with religion and the Church. How can a non-religious person find a meaningful non-religious Faith?
  • 1:13:51 – (Live Q#12) Thoughts on the drug epidemic?
  • 1:16:30 – (Live Q#13) Dr. Peterson, are you aware of the similarities in the work of Anthony Robbins and with a lot of what you are doing in the Self Authoring Suite?
  • 1:17:23 – (Live Q#14) What do you think about ADHD? I have it and am frustrated by my failures in life because of it. I am trying to become a chemist and am currently failing school.
  • 1:18:56 – (Live Q#15) You once compared religion and science as tools that can be used to more accurately understand your position. Do you think that gender and biological sex are two tools in describing an identity?
  • 1:19:54 – (Live Q#16) My brother is a soldier in Iraq, as a clinical phycologist what should one do when coming from such a chaotic place back to a tame and structured one?
  • 1:22:02 – (Live Q#17) Do you think a lot of your work is the form of the bargaining stage of grief?
  • 1:23:01 – (Live Q#18) Could you comment on the Buddhist concept of impermanence, and the finite nature of reality being what gives it meaning, and how that concept conflicts with ideas of eternal life in heaven?
  • 1:26:50 – (Live Q#19) Can an introvert thrive in the field of Law, or should they avoid it altogether?
  • 1:28:30 – (Live Q#20) Dr. Peterson, do you believe the evidence for God lies primarily in inner personal experiences?
  • 1:30:20 – (Live Q#21) I am told that my over-analyzing is a double-edged sword, but I’m suffering from being this way. I find relief when I drink alcohol, smoke or take certain drugs because it slows down my thought process. How can I use my over-analysis to my advantage.
  • 1:34:23 – (Live comment#22) Can you answer this question Dr. Peterson?
  • 1:34:40 – (Live comment#23) I cleaned my room finally
  • 1:35:59 – (Live Q#24) Do you believe there is any connection between leftist identity politics of past decades and the emergent white identity politics of the alt right?
  • 1:37:34 – (Live Q#25) What is your view on the book /movie Fight Club ?
  • 1:38:39 – (Live Q#26) Just wanted to thank you very much! Love you heaps man lol! I’m slowly reading all of Jung’s books thanks to you. Praying for you.
  • 1:39:55 – (Live Q#27) When is the high-school student program you were coming out with happening?
  • 1:41:22 – (Live Q#28) Thoughts on the Jews?
  • 1:41:55 – (Live Q#29) What do you have to say about girls who grew up without fathers?
  • 1:42:52 – (Live Q#30) Nietzsche was pretty fun to read. Got all his works.
  • 1:43:14 – (Live Q#31) What advice would you give to a person high in agreeableness and conscientiousness get a significant other who is left leaning or one who is leaning towards radical leftism.
  • 1:43:45 – (Live Q#32) Do you think Islam is compatible with the West?
  • 1:44:40 – (Live Q#33) I think you should fortify your ideas on Christianity.
  • 1:44:49 – (Live Q#34) Dr. Peterson, what was your relationship with your mother and father?
  • 1:46:36 – (Live Q#35) I have a friend considering majoring in psychology; any suggestions you would give them?

September 2017

12 Sep 2017

Oliver Benton
1 year ago (edited)

  • 01:40 Lenin pictures in JP’s house
  • 07:34 Gender-integrated combat units and how it affects morale. Trans people serving in combat units
  • 09:55 Love in JP’s general worldview, where does love come from
  • 15:34 Resurrection (and love)
  • 24:21 Tips on avoiding booze
  • 27:58 Cain and Abel, contempt for existence and harnessing it for good
  • 34:38 Europe clamping down on speech critical of Islam
  • 41:41 How’s the online personality test coming along
  • 47:43 Benjamin W??? being funny
  • 48:07 Quitting porn
  • 50:46 Taking classes online, establishing online university
  • 58:50 Manosphere’s claim that women’s liberation has led to weakening of our ability to pair bond, breakdown of the institution of marriage and sexual inequity in favor of alpha men
  • 1:06:33 Humanities are corrupt and you recommended to avoid them, does the same apply to marriage with the laws as they are?
  • 1:09:37 Scheduling time, working shifts
  • 1:11:52 Idea of “real”, Plato’s Forms
  • 1:16:18 Motivation and depression
  • 1:18:09 Not caring about people (being too disagreeable)
  • 1:19:38 JP being overwhelmed by the amount of emails
  • 1:21:57 Advice for someone entering the education system about not becoming a mouthpiece for indoctrinating young students
  • 1:24:24 prof. Kevin MacDonald’s work on an ethnic conflict theory of Judaism through the lens of evolutionary psychology (JP hasn’t read any of MacDonald’s work, so he skips this)
  • 1:24:59 Battling hypnophobia (fear of sleep)
  • 1:27:13 What to do when your ego climbed to the top of dominance hierarchy and how to maintain relationships
  • 1:30:32 Pickles or green olives?
  • 1:31:07 Advice for an asexual viewer
  • 1:32:50 Viewer seeks dietary advice for systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis
  • 1:33:30 Planning, JP’s schedule, productivity
  • 1:37:22 How is capitalism good if it requires draining finite resources
  • 1:41:15 short announcement about Biblical series, farewell

October Patreon Q & A

3 Oct 2017

Ollie Chadra
2 months ago

  • Are you hiring any software developers? i’d like to help. 1:58

  • How do I use the results of the new personality test for progress in life? 4:27

  • Thoughts on gay marriage? 6:39

  • I’m experiencing depression and am having a hard time as a first time mom with a 9-month-old. Advice for being a good mom? 9:15

  • I’m 22 and your videos are helping me figure out my life. Thanks for making me braver. 11:16

  • When will the next bible lecture occur? 12:04

  • How can you dispute the theory that Jesus is just a re-write of the sun god myth? 13:13

  • Have you watched Rick and Morty? 15:33

  • I would love for you to do a talk in Montreal 15:50

  • What’s the best way to stop drinking and to do my best in my psychology degree? 16:07

  • Are you a science fiction fan? 18:04

  • I have agoraphobia and would like to hear you talk about anxiety. 19:30

  • How is the website that identifies post-modern college courses coming along? 23:58

  • Can I be a successful teacher if I am an introvert? 25:18

  • Ditch your barber :(. 27:16

  • Would you consider having a discussion with Thomas Sowell? 27:55

  • Do you ever miss Montreal? 29:59

  • It seems we are bound to repeat history; what is old becomes new again. Why can’t we find equilibrium in our society?30:36

  • How can I overcome my fear of driving on freeways? 33:10

  • Thoughts on the Vegas shooting? 35:58

  • You should take a break and relax. 39:52

  • Fans are cancer for the authentic individual. 40:36

  • What is the best way to find a routine when you’re diagnosed Bipolar? 44:08

  • I fell asleep listening to you, next day my smoking habit disappeared. Not sure what you said but thank you. 48:13

  • Do you believe there is a strong undercurrent of gnosticism in our country? 48:58

  • I have trouble regulating my emotions. it may be because of high openness/conscientiousness/neuroticism and low agreeableness/extraversion. Any tips on dealing with that? 50:36

  • Should I hide my anti-feminism as I study university to become a nurse? 55:02

  • How important is the right to bear arms? 56:14

  • Advice for someone with intense chronic pain who wants to contribute to society and tend to responsibilities? 58:31

  • Sheesh, Canadians never get it. 1:01:02

  • If the 2nd amendment is taken away there will be nothing to protect your freedom of speech. 1:01:24

  • Freedom of speech is not license to bully. 1:01:44

  • What moment triggered your obsession with the topics of the biblical series and Maps of Meaning? 1:03:27

  • Will you lecture in The Netherlands? 1:06:11

  • I’ve heard depressed people say that antidepressants did nothing to help them. What do you say to that? 1:06:34

  • What do you think the role of psychedelics will be in the future? - 1:08:44

  • What’s with all the synchronistic frog occurrences? 1:10:50

  • Have you ever performed a ritual sacrifice? 1:12:28

  • Aren’t there any positive things about post-modernism or the egalitarian wave of the 1960’s? 1:13:34

  • Who else would you pick to have an intellectual conversation with? Will there be a third talk with Sam Harris? 1:15:36

  • Advice for those with high intelligence but low agreeableness/extraversion in making and maintaining friendships? 1:17:30

  • How should a manager use the Pareto principle to increase employee performance at work? 1:19:27

  • How are you feeling? Are the food sensitivities getting under control? Are you getting enough rest? 1:21:29

  • How do I make a schedule that doesn’t make me a tyrant to myself? - 1:23:00

  • What are your thoughts on students taking Adderall? What are the long-term effects? 1:23:58

  • Any reading tips for aspiring teachers who don’t want to be corrupted by the universities? 1:25:01

  • Help! I’m 99th percentile in openness and 0th percentile in conscientiousness.1:26:11

  • What’s your favorite Tom Waits song? 1:27:27

  • Is it wrong to turn down a promotion? 1:28:08

  • How do I address those who actively oppose the wisdom of the biblical stories on atheist principles? 1:30:01

  • What do you make of the gnostic gospels like the Gospel of Thomas? - 1:31:12

  • in one of your videos you mentioned the power that creates order from chaos but can also create chaos from pathological order. Can you explain the latter? 1:32:12

  • Do what extent do you think your advice to young people are predicated on your own personality? 1:35:02

  • Can one rationalize with an intelligent stalker? 1:38:16

  • How can I overcome or live with my fear of malice and disappointment in man? 1:39:34

  • Goodnight buckos.

November Patreon Q & A

26 Nov 2017

1 week ago

  • 2:20 - How do you justify a rejection of identitarianism when a pillar of the neo-Marxist strategy is to demographically replace the indigenous people of Europe. London is less than half ethnically English.
  • 4:28 - I lose my ability to think straight or intelligently in confrontational or unfriendly social situations. Any suggestions for adaptations or improvement?
  • 7:27 - I would love to hear you do a lecture series on raising children properly. Is that something you would consider?
  • 10:00 - Looking at myself honestly, I’m deeply envious and resentful of others’ happiness. How do I turn this around?
  • 12:28 - Why are you now hiding the amount you receive from Patreon?
  • 14:05 - I love you man, keep it up!
  • 14:30 - Thoughts on the radical left and their superficial view belief and value of the environment? How is this influenced by their own raw emotions, inviting questionable, immoral and dangerous actions despite good intentions?
  • 16:28 - How does one save a marriage when there’s no longer attraction both physically and intellectually? There are kids involved, which is the main reason for wanting to save the marriage.
  • 19:14 - You edited out a disagreement with Camille Paglia. What was it?
  • 19:43 - Are you interested in coming to Australia?
  • 20:05 - How can a person go through the Future Authoring process and imagining a future for yourself as though you were someone you care about when you don’t care about yourself or even hate yourself?
  • 21:35 - Were the Nazis left-wing? (no, lol)
  • 23:32 - Who has the higher IQ - a really gifted mathematician or a really gifted painter?
  • 26:02 - Hello Doctor I am a 23 year old man with paranoid schizophrenia. However I feel [like I am] controlling 95% of it. I desire to seek a partner but I am afraid about how to reveal it. Any advice on how to approach it?
  • 27:59 - How would you address accusations that you are creating another ideological group identity which is equal in its capacity for destruction to post-modern neo-marxism?
  • 31:27 - What is the evolutionary reason for having consciousness?
  • 34:24 - Would you consider a more official consultancy role with Andrew Schier’s conservative party?
  • 37:36 - Recently moved up and was promoted and I’m not liking it because I’ve had to adjust massively. Is there a difference between not liking your job and a lack of discipline to form a change? Are they connected?
  • 38:59 - My IQ is north of 130 and I question my own intelligence all the time. I feel a big cognitive dissonance between what people expect of me and what I consider myself capable of.
  • 40:41 - My little girl loves you.
  • 41:03 - question got blocked out by lag or something? You can catch part of his answer starting at about 41:15, it has to do with what art he likes
  • 42:00 - Hi Dr. Peterson, how does a score of 91 for compassion and 1 for politeness equal a score of 35 for agreeableness?
  • 43:30 - The opioid crisis in my community in the Midwest of America greatly bothers me. I have been thinking about becoming a police officer. The culture hasn’t been very favourable towards cops lately. Maybe majoring in law in grad school instead. Advice please, thanks.
  • 46:24 - Hey man, as a Canadian I just want to say thanks. Canada is short on heroes these days. I’m glad to see you fill that role. Thanks again.
  • 47:29 - Hi Jordan, what are feelings and why do we have them?
  • 51:38 - Recently I took a job working at a camp with at-risk boys. While I am there I will live as a counsellor in a house with the kids. Any advice for working with young people with behavioural issues?
  • 54:15 - How do you clean your room when your spouse doesn’t share that goal?
  • 57:28 - What advice would you give the parent of an only child?
  • 58:18 - How’s the grandpa-ing going?
  • 59:14 - I constantly cannot verbalize my thoughts, written and vocal, regardless of topic and my level of knowledge. Tips for verbalizing thoughts to get them into writing and therefore speech?
  • 1:01:12 - What is your plan if YouTube deletes your account?
  • 1:02:00 - How to be less afraid of death?
  • 1:04:34 - Dr. Peterson, I have an interview for medicine coming up very soon, it’s structured in the MMI format and it’s intensely competitive. Any tips on how to stand out from the rest?
  • 1:08:14 - Many of my friends sing the wonders of diversity. I try to tell them diversity isn’t a moral good, but I end up looking like some terrible racist. Why isn’t diversity a moral good?
  • 1:12:22 - How does one distinguish an argument coming from oneself rather than from ideology?
  • 1:15:27 - daddy read for us (he doesn’t read yet, he just says ‘yeah man’ and then there’s silence for a bit)
  • 1:15:50 - I scored in the 0th percentile for conscientiousness and 84th for neuroticism. How do I improve these scores?
  • 1:17:42 - How can you be confident and courageous when your father was emotionally absent and narcissistic? I’m 21 and quite creative, my mother is a people-pleaser who isn’t confident in herself and uses me as emotional support. Help.
  • 1:20:04 - Can’t increase your IQ in any significant way. Eat healthy, do the right thing, best potential [trailing off]
  • 1:21:21 - I often don’t do very well/don’t trust myself to stand up for myself in aggressive situations. How do I know when I’ve incorporated my shadow?
  • 1:23:53 - Can you please release your new book as an audio book as well in your own voice?
  • 1:24:29 - Would you ever consider having a dialogue with a legitimate Muslim scholar?
  • 1:26:08 - I’ve been incredibly inspired by what you do and would like to enlighten people in a similar manner. Is it appropriate to aim to have as much an impact as you or more so?
  • 1:28:40 - Should artists waste their time in art school?
  • 1:29:56 - Serious respectful question - why did you have a problem with Lindsay Shepherd being criticized for being non-critical but you criticize Faith Goldie for being non-critical?
  • 1:32:39 - [username] says “I’m a liberal”
  • 1:33:01 - Do you think you publicly dissassociate yourself enough from neo-nazis who use your work as justification for violence and propaganda?
  • 1:36:02 - Address the Jewish question.
  • 1:39:26 - Should I start with Past Authoring if I am 40? I feel like I have so many unsolved issues from my past which prevent me from accomplishing my potential.
  • 1:39:52 - [Reading from 12 Rules for Life begins]

Q & A 2018 01 January New Year

26 Nov 2017

Viktoria Serkis
1 year ago

  • 00:00:40 – Some comments on the Wilfred Laurier scandal
  • 0:01:29 – (Q#1) How can we know the difference between “unhealthy repression” and “healthy self-restraint” of sexuality?
  • 0:06:31 – (Q#2) Why are dragons in western culture bringers of death and destruction that must be slain, while in the East, they’re portents of good fortune to be revered?
  • 0:09:53 – (Q#3) You often mention disciplining children so they behave; what is your advice for making them behave without resorting to corporal punishment?
  • 0:19:35 – (Q#4) Can we take the biblical stories seriously enough without also keeping biblical traditions? What’s the psychological impact of groups gathering (church going)?
  • 0:21:50 – (Q#5) I was wondering what your thoughts are on meditation and if you practice it yourself? If not, why?
  • 0:26:58 – (Q#6) How do I deal with the fact that I am a pedophile? And should I tell my family and friends?
  • 0:28:59 – (Q#7) I was wondering what you thought of Santa Claus. Is it a healthy thing for parents to practice? What’s the psychological impact of lying to your child?
  • 0:30:22 – (Q#8) You once mentioned you were planning on making an IQ test available online alongside the Big Five Aspects Scale one. Is that in the works?
  • 0:34:33– (Q#9) You often give guidance to young adults to help them avoid some of the pitfalls of life. Any advice for those of us who are 40+ who have already faltered?
  • 0:39:37– (Q#10) I don’t think my wife loves our internationally adopted daughter and she won’t go to counseling with me. My house is filled with tyranny and anger. Any advice?
  • 0:42:10– (Q#11) You have talked about the difference between intelligence and wisdom, saying intelligence isn’t a shortcut to wisdom. What is your definition of wisdom?
  • 0:44:47 – (Q#12) Why is self-sabotage such a feature in human life?
  • 0:48:16 – (Q#13) Any advice for a grieving parent who lost a child unexpectedly?
  • 0:49:46 – (Q#14) Are there ever situations where you should hold your tongue and not speak what you believe (fear of being fired, etc.)?
  • 0:52:44 – (Q#15) Jung suggested that the Christian myth failed to articulate Christ’s descent into hell and that this resulted in the mass shadow projection of The West. Thoughts?
  • 0:58:10 – (Live Q#16) How should one deal with recurring self-pity and why is it so gripping?
  • 0:59:55 – (Comment) JP thinks he is a monster, lul
  • 1:00:11 – (Comment) I love this guy
  • 1:00:23 – (Comment) I’m a monster, roar
  • 1:00:44 – (Comment) I let myself be that weak monster for so long
  • 1:01:22 – (Live Q#17) How do you boost your confidence talking to people and get rid of the paranoia that people hate you or don’t like you and think you’re trash? That’s how I feel.
  • 1:03:26 – (Comment) When I watch those movies, I always liked the bad guys; I recognized they were evil, but they just seemed cool.
  • 1:04:49 – (Live Q#18) What are your thoughts on Sophia’s citizenship status?
  • 1:05:43 – (Live Q#19) Do you ever fear that your psychological reading of the Bible is wrong?
  • 1:07:02 – (Live Q#20) How do I tell my half-brothers (aged 14 and 17) that their father didn’t leave 3 years ago, but that we kicked him out because he is a pedophile who targeted my sister. The eldest is autistic; I’m tired of lying.
  • 1:07:59 – (Q#21) I’m a British conservative millennial training to be a school teacher. How can I protect children (aged 5-11) from postmodernism which is everywhere in school?
  • 1:09:13 – (Q#22) If the right to identify with certain arguments has to be earned, how does one earn it? How do we truthfully discuss ideas for which we have not earned it?
  • 1:12:48 – (Q#23) I’m a female student in STEM and I feel bombarded by all the feminist groups trying to infantilize me. How do I prevent them from turning me into an adult child?
  • 1:14:27 – (Q#24) What books ought we read to our young children?
  • 1:15:49 – (Q#25) How can you be a good partner to someone suffering from depression; helping without enabling, and pushing without being too judgemental?
  • 1:18:55 – (Q#26) You said you don’t go to church because the pastors are “lying” most of the time. What do you mean by “lying” in this instance?
  • 1:19:54 –(Q#27) My first ever girlfriend of 3 months is pregnant and keeping the baby. She said I can walk away or marry her, no in-between. I don’t love her… what do I do?
  • 1:22:35 – (Q#28) We are expecting our first child in May, a daughter. Any advice specific to raising daughters?
  • 1:23:56 – (Q#29) We’re there any lecturers/lecture series that you found helpful to you (like yours have been to so many?)
  • 1:25:47 – (Q#30) Could you please tell us your second ghost story as mentioned on H3H3 podcast?
  • 1:26:19 – (Q#31) Have you read much Thomas Sowell? In many ways he fulfilled your societal role for the last generation but from a different academic perspective. Thoughts?
  • 1:27:57 – (Q#32) If you could talk to Donald Trump for a day what would you try to say/ convince him about?
  • 1:29:26 – (Q#33) How would you give a speech to Soldiers entering the Army about responsibility? I will command a basic training unit and address young Soldiers. Advice?

Q & A 2018 03 March

4 Mar 2018

10 months ago (edited)

  • 0:48 Patreon Q#1 - What should teaching and research in the humanities look like? I’m going to grad school for literature and I don’t want my work to serve ideological possession.
  • 3:07 Patreon Q#2 - Have you thought about slowing down? There are people worried about how hard you’re pushing yourself with the countless commitments.
  • 5:06 Patreon Q#3 - Many who respect your work feel your tweets are often impulsive (or even expedient) in certain interactions. Would you consider a change in the way you tweet?
  • 12:25 Patreon Q#4 - What of a client’s need for autonomy/identity in therapy; they would prefer that which is meaningful and therefore under their control; is this not unhealthy?
  • 17:59 Patreon Q#5 - Any update on your plans to start providing independent classes or an online university?
  • 20:55 Patreon Q#6 - I married young and have had only 1 sexual partner. Now I desire variety, but value my marriage and will not cheat. Any insight on overcoming this conflict?
  • 24:27 Chat Q#1 - Why do you not discuss religious fundamentalism more often and more in depth? Many people consider you a religious apologist as a consequence.
  • 30:04 Patreon Q#7 - I’ve been trying to listen to my conscience but I can’t tell the difference between fear, willful blindness or genuine conscience. (Nice smile here!)
  • 37:55 Patreon Q#8 - I’ve watched many hours of your videos, but I don’t think I’ve ever heard you describe yourself on the big 5 model. Care to tell us how you rank on each trait?
  • 40:47 Patreon Q#9 - My wife and I found out early in the year we may not be able to have children, then last month I was diagnosed with cancer. How do I combat depression?
  • 47:44 Tammy’s Cameo
  • 49:08 Patreon Q#10 - Please give your perspective on why polyamory is bad for the individual and society.
  • 51:49 Freudian slip :slight_smile:
  • 54:35 Patreon Q#11 - How do you think altered state of consciousness or shamanic experiences can/should be integrated into modern life and scientific thought?
  • 57:42 Patreon Q#12 - I don’t even have the consientiousness to sit down and do Self Authoring. I bought it over a year ago and haven’t opened it. What the hell is wrong with me?
  • 1:03:34 Patreon Q#13 - My wife says I am like you i.e. obsessed by ideas, and seldom want to talk about much else. She wants me to ask if your wife is ever annoyed by it, haha.
  • 1:05:35 Patreon Q#14 - Hi Dr. Peterson, I am a member of the translators who translate your video into Chinese. How can I speak the truth and survive in China and protect my family?
  • 1:08:50 Patreon Q#15 - My brother committed suicide, and I’m taking care of my sister’s kids (ages 7, 3) until she’s stable. How can I help them cope with the loss of their uncle?
  • 1:12:09 Patreon Q#16 - I’m a minority, my kids are mixed. I RESENT the disempowering narrative of victimhood being handed to them. It’s lazy and offensive. How to arm them against it?
  • 1:15:28 Patreon Q#17 - Sam Harris has accused you of sophistry in your Bible lectures. How do you draw the line between sophistry and a valid reading?
  • 1:21:26 Patreon Q#18 - How is it that society has not learned from history about the dangers of socialism, Marxism, ideology, etc after years? How do Marxists get away with it?
  • 1:27:07 Awesome beard scratch
  • 1:27:11 Patreon Q#19 - I am 46, retired executive, wealthy, competent, and full of juice. Who can I talk to if I want to invest time/money/energy in your university?
  • 1:30:00 Patreon Q#20 - I am a sober alcoholic/drug addict. How can I find my way back to belief in a higher power after 10 years in the empty void of atheism? I’m falling apart.

Recommended authors/reading: Carl Rogers, “The Great Leveller” by Walter Scheidel, Joseph Cambell, Mircea Eliade

Q & A 2018 04 April

28 Apr 2018

Gavin Doughty
8 months ago (edited)

    1. 2:22…free will; Sam Harris’s opinions on free will
    1. 15:57…chaos vs. order
    1. 30:54…gay couples raising children
    1. 35:26…distinguishing reality from unconscious projection
    1. 40:58…how to combat foggy thinking while working/writing
    1. 46:54…how past experiences shape our free will (see q. 1)
    1. 47:42…proper role of a therapist
    1. 55:52…experiencing willful meaning in a fortuitous world
    1. 59:44…how to increase Big Five aspect industriousness for someone in 23rd percentile
    1. 1:06:28…physical attractiveness as a determinant of success
    1. 1:09:29…psychological egoism, altruism, and re-conceptualizing “self-interest”
    1. 1:18:17…current thinking on Orthodox Christianity
    1. 1:21:32…opinion of Myers-Briggs personality test
    1. 1:22:55…how women who waited too long to have children can find meaning
    1. 1:28:06…telling the truth amidst totalitarianism
    1. 1:29:31…why to have confidence in one’s own speculative opinions
    1. 1:31:51…how to deal with a loved one’s suicide
    1. 1:37:55…what to do when confronted with implicit-bias training at work

Q & A 2018 08 August A

6 Aug 2018

Viktoria Serkis
5 months ago

  • 0:00:17 – Announcements
  • 0:05:53 – (Q#1) How are you?
  • [1] Finished the introduction to the 50th anniversary version of the Gulag Archipelago
  • [2] “Online University” program in development; the first functional iteration should be finished late fall 2018
  • [3] New book in the works, 12 more rules, “Beyond Mere Order” (tentative subtitle); estimated release 2020 (just in time for all the “hindsight is 20/20”)
  • [4] Return of Biblical lectures around Sept-Dec 2019.
  • 0:11:24 – (Q#2) What can a too-agreeable young woman do to be more disagreeable and assertive if that isn’t how she is temperamentally inclined
  • 0:17:12 – (Q#3) How do you know if you’re communicating with the actual person or a mask? Can you ever really know someone?
  • 0:19:05 – (Q#4) What new wisdom have you acquired in the past few months?
  • 0:32:44 – (Q#5) If too much masculinity is tyranny but the right amount is order, and too much femininity is chaos, what’s the word for the right amount of femininity?
  • 0:34:08 – (Q#6) Is it better to marry someone with your temperament or a contrasting, complementary temperament?
  • 0:37:14 – (Q#7) It seems like your message is primarily positive-masculine, whereas the positive-feminine is not elaborated with near the same resolution. What do you think?
  • 0:42:12 – (Q#8) I’m quite shy and when asked questions in public I find it hard to articulate a good answer but will come up with a strong response hours or days later. Any advice?
  • 0:43:41– (Q#9) What causes a person to hoard?
  • 0:45:13– (Q#10) Which Hogwarts house would you be sorted into?
  • 0:45:43– (Q#11) What’s your take on an astrological basis for significant dates in religious stories? Ex. the notion that Christian religion is a parody on the worship of the sun.
  • 0:47:29 – (Q#12) My brother (29) is sick at home with burnout; he’s a perfectionist and has anxiety and trouble dealing with stress. How can I help him become stronger?
  • 0:49:40 – (Q#13) How do you dress so well? Any tips?
  • 0:53:07 – (Q#14) You have written an article on how to write. Can you do the same on how to speak?
  • 1:01:08 – (Q#15) Thoughts on the Eastern idea of moving away from excessive thinking into the awareness beyond thinking.
  • 1:08:49 – (Q#16) If he who is invited to the largest possible number of games is also the person that goes to conquer the unknown, could this lie in reciprocal altruism?
  • 1:12:01 – (Q#17) Please confirm if your Harry Potter Patronus would a be frog
  • 1:13:08 – (Q#18) I scored exceptionally low on conscientiousness, industriousness, and orderliness. What can I do for motivation?
  • 1:14:54 – (Q#19) What do you think about Alice Miller and her thesis that most psychological diseases and aberrant behaviour are the result of childhood trauma?
  • 1:17:27 – (Q#20) What if the truth could unravel your entire life?
  • 1:18:58 – (Q#21) I think what put you over with so many of us is the constructive message of how to be a good person. Do you think that’s where the media want you to go?
  • 1:23:06 – (Q#22) Would you agree with CS. Lewis that “if you look for truth, you may find comfort; if you look for comfort, you will find despair”

Q & A 2018 09 September

26 Aug 2018

5 months ago (edited)

  • [Announcements]:
  • [1] 0:00:21 – 20% Self Authoring Suite, 20% Understand Myself
  • [2] 0:04:11 – Updates on 12 Rules for Life tour
  • [3] 0:09:52 – New book due Sept 2019 & Return of Biblical Lecture series Sept-Dec 2019
  • [4] 0:10:45 – Desire to do a lecture series detailing the “sacred icons of the radical left”: Marx, Foucault, Derrida, Betty Friedan, Judith Butler
  • [5] 0:11:18 – Poem by Karl Marx (Invocation of One in Despair) and some commentary
  • 0:18:38 – (Q#1) Any advice on effectively implementing what I learn into my life? I resonate with 12 Rules so much while reading but struggle to remember it in my day to day life.
  • 0:23:06 – Julian rescues his father from the belly of technological despair
  • 0:24:23 – (Q#2) You mentioned analyzing one of your wife’s dreams that left you feeling hopeful that we’ll emerge from this chaos okay? Do you still feel this way?
  • 0:29:51 – (Q#3) You said the narrow bandwidth of TV made us think we were stupider than we are; will internet censorship lead to the same problem once TV is supplanted?
  • 0:35:27 – (Q#4) Much of your early work deals with alcoholism, what prompted your interest in that area and your apparent shift to issues clustered around personality?
  • 0:49:23 – (Q#5) Are you aware of any critics of your work that are deep and credible? (someone who at minimum has read Maps of Meaning)
  • 0:55:56 – (Q#6) Wesley Yang reported that you met with tech titans Marc Andreessen and Peter Thiel, both of whom advocate for decentralized education; can you share anything about this?
  • 1:00:35 – (Q#7) Have you spoken with Nasim Taleb following your brief Twitter exchange?
  • 1:01:11 – Some comments on the Pangburn Sam Harris debates; first video to be released Sept 1st, 2018 on JBP’s channel
  • 1:06:30 – (Q#8) How do you reconcile studies that show genetics superseding environment in life outcomes with your own experience conducting successful psychotherapy?
  • 1:09:01– (Q#9) Please comment on Jung-Pauli’s Unus Mundus hypothesis. Does this correlate with quantum-theory solutions to the Hard Problem of Consciousness (Penrose, Hameroff, Orch-OR)

Next Q&A in mid-October

Q & A 2018 10 October

19 Oct 2018

3 months ago

  • [Announcements]
  • [1] 0:00:33 – Release of 50th Anniversary version of The Gulag Archipelago with a forward written by JBP
  • [2] 0:02:21 – Finalized deal for next book “12 More Rules: Beyond Mere Order”
  • [3] 0:03:31 – ‘12 Rules’ tour plans for the next year
  • 0:06:59 – (Q#1) Any advice for young a young counselor soon to finish his degree? What do you wish you knew as a therapist?
  • 0:14:48 – (Q#2) Procrastination and instant gratification rule me. Nothing seems to motivate me. What do I do?
  • 0:23:18 – (Q#3) What do you think the feminine hero journey is? Do females have their own archetypal story?
  • 0:27:33 – (Q#4) You caught some Twitter flak for your comment on Brett Kavanaugh. Care to address your comment and the blow back?
  • 0:38:58 – (Q#5) I took your Understand Myself personality test. Should I take the results as they are and live trying to cope with them, or can I try to change them to some degree?
  • 0:46:38 – (Q#6) My daughter’s school is now teaching gender as a social construct. What do we do? Leaving is not an option.
  • 0:54:09 – (Q#7) Would you consider adding a list of recommended movies to your site?
  • 0:54:40 – (Q#8) Can the Understand Myself or other Big Five Tests be retaken after some time (1-2 years?)
  • 0:58:01– (Q#9) Would you like doing a podcast with Elon Musk?
  • 0:59:41– (Q#10) How do you fight a monster without becoming one yourself?
  • 1:07:51– (Q#11) Canada has legalized marijuana. What are your thoughts?
  • 1:12:05 – (Q#12) Do you have any advice on how to vet a potential marriage partner during the dating phase?
  • 1:18:37 – (Q#13) You said you act as if God exists. Do you also act as if the devil exists?

cheers ~

Q & A 2019 01 January

13 Jan 2019

Edge of Thought - Ideas
2 weeks ago (edited)


  • 0:00 – Intro, greeting
  • 0:13 – Leaving Patreon on Jan 15 2019, alternative see www.jordanbpeterson.com/donate
  • 2:24 – 12 More Rules announcement
  • 5:00 – Travel and touring plans, see www.jordanbpeterson.com/events
  • 5:50 – Good podcasts coming up, General Stanley McChrystal on his new book
  • 6:29 – 2018 recap


  • 11:30 – 1 – Can you talk about your own specific experiences/methods used with integrating the shadow?
  • 24:24 – 2 – How can I help my parents to sort themselves out? How can I talk about the resentments of my childhood in a way that benefits them instead of giving them guilt?
  • 38:44 – 3 – It took me 7 months but I completed the self authoring suit in July. I’m still not motivated to do anything, and waste all of my time. What do I do?
  • 46:28 – 4 – I’m consumed by envy. I can hardly stand to read or watch or listen to anyone more successful than myself. In what directions am I aiming wrong?
  • 54:35 – 5 – What would you advise to a person who has the courage to defy the crowd but doesn’t have the verbal skills to debate real time?
  • 59:58 – 6.1 – The Tao Te Ching speaks of acting naturally. (first half of multi-part)
  • 1:00:35 – 6.2 – (second half of prev question) How is one to put their foot down and change/better their condition without unnaturally manipulating their world?
  • 1:05:28 – break
  • 1:05:58 – return with story about puppy (haha)
  • 1:06:28 – 6.2 – continuing Q6 second half
  • 1:09:31 – 7 – I agree we don’t live in a tyranical patriarchy, can you provide a better explanation for the problems women face
  • 1:16:41 – 8 – You have talked about earning your knowledge. How do you define this and earn it? When is it OK to debate ideas (like yours) if they are not your own?
  • 1:22:40 – 9 – Have you thought about engaging in a public debate with Slavoj Zizek? He has many interesting observations on the topic of ideology and would be a good convo.
  • 1:23:56 – 10 – How do you maintain a stable identity when you are plagued by bouts of depression and anxiety?
  • 1:32:47 – 11 – How are you always so consistently composed and confident?
  • 1:39:17 – 12 – How do you manage to read so much?
  • 1:44:29 – 13 – There are many drug addicted & mentally ill homeless people in my city, and it seems to keep getting worse. How do we help people who don’t want to be helped?
  • 1:47:39 – 14 – How do I stop ruminating. These thoughts are recurring and relate to every and any embarrassing moments I have had during my lifetime. I’m a 76 year old woman.
  • 1:50:12 – 14 – What’s the best method to retain what you read and be able to use it in conversation?
  • 1:52:27 – 15 – I just found out I am having a Girl. What can I do to raise her to think for herself and not fall into the modes of thinking proposed by popular culture?
  • 1:58:03 – Sign off, reminder of leaving Patreon, final greeting

This is fantastic! Thanks @tom