I watched the anime “In this Corner of the World” last night which is about Japan between war time 1930-1950.
It is interesting, as their desire was to create world peace through a global nation — a common ideal even today (leftists come to mind, as well the united nations 2030 agenda — however as seen, and perhaps now philosophically obvious, its application causes war, as it means those who disagree with us are against us and are thus our enemies, enemies that are preventing our accomplishment of a global nation of unanimous agreement, and thus must be either controlled (think UN or Japan’s Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere) or eliminated (think Japan’s war on USA, or Nazi Germany’s Third Reich, or Italy’s Spazio Vitale) — these points elaborated later.
As a side note, the film also dealt with the hardships that the Japanese people had, with surrender. Their hardships were for nothing. They had “lost to violence” and “let violence win”. I imagine there would have been many suicides due to the inability to reconcile this existential cognitive dissonance, as a major rearchitecting of the maps of meaning would have been required. For instance, while the war was ongoing, they conceptualised their struggles as accumulated liabilities for an inevitable victory of world peace, however when they surrendered, suddenly their liabilities which previously had purpose, now had none, and had to be faced as terrible losses for naught.
War is Peace
Japan’s particular ideal of a global nation of world peace came from buddhist origins:
By this nationalistic buddhist:
Which lead to Japan’s governmental desire for one united Asia:
At the same time, Japan was being influenced by the rejection of Japan’s proposal for racial quality to the League of Nations, of which the Western nations rejected, as they practiced strictly Western migration, and viewed non-Western migration as a security threat. This rejection resulted in positive feedback loop of rejection culturally and economically between Japan and West, as the rejection made them consider each other ideologically maligned.
Japan’s awakening from that rejection to the racial tensions in the West, seemed to cause two things to occur. First, its ideological and economical alienation from the West resulted in the West being considered an enemy to their nation and their ideals, understandably so. This then resulted in any Asian countries that aligned with the West to also be considered an enemy. And at the same time, Japan seemed to awaken to the racial realism/naturalism philosophy that existed everywhere but Asia, which they then adopted with an Asian perspective:
All of this ended up with the alienation of Japan’s ideals and economics coming to a foot, with the declaration of War against USA.
Ignorance is Strength
Blood and Soil
Blood and Soil being the tie between a race and their land. Think Nazi Germany, and perhaps even Israel and Saudi Arabia.
I never knew that Italy was partnered with Germany and Japan. That Italy were the enemies of the West. That Italy had similar racial expansion desires as Germany.
How Italy has been successful in brushing that under the rug is beyond me.