I’m trying to integrate KSS to be able to generate styleguides from my source sass files. I already installed the node module and then created a writeAfter event which looks as following:
writeAfter: (opts, next)->
{rootPath, outPath} = @docpad.getConfig()
command = """
--source #{rootPath}/src/documents/css
--destination #{outPath}/styleguide
""".replace(/\n/g,' ')
# Execute
require('safeps').exec(command, {cwd:rootPath, output:true}, next)
# Chain
Unfortunately the same error keeps returning:
Error: Command failed: /bin/sh -c /Users/Maarten/Desktop/project/node_modules/.bin/kss-node --source src/documents/css --destination styleguide
Usage: kss-node [options]
Unknown argument: xdemo
Does anybody know how to handle this?