Hegel: proposes how to move beyond Kant/Romantics rejecting the notion of the thing in itself: reality is just patterns of intelligibility, there is nothing above and beyond that
As ideas being developed, reality being developed
Geist: quasi living system of patterns of intelligibility
Understood as a process of dialectic
Dialectic: process by which ideas/patterns by which reality is known and actual
Pattern in which ideas articulate and differentiate from one another. One idea opposed by another, distinguished from and then taken up in a higher order of integration, serves as new idea…etc.
Emerges and develops, becomes more and more into deeper patterns of understanding/being
Reaches a state in which a system of ideas emerges that grasps the dialectical process itself → culmination state of absolute Geist
Real is the rational: development of rationality and intelligibility of reality is also reality itself: absolute spirit/mind = God
Secularized, non-religious God
Advocates for a new mythology of reason: last and greatest work of mankind.
Main critiques Hegel:
Schopenhauer: will to live missing.
Nietsche: will to power missing
Kirkergard: Hegel reduced everything to propositional knowing, left out perspectival knowing/anagoge - given us epistemic transcendence not existential ethical self transcendence
Personal transformation and transformative experience that are necessary for returning to making deeper contact with reality left out
L.A. Paul: can’t reason our way through transformative experiences central to cultivation of wisdom
Proposal: history not driven by reason but by the monster
Influenced by Feuerbach: religion as projection of our humanity, projected distortion that distracts us
Marx rejects theistic resonance of Hegel: dialectic not of ideas, playing themselves out religious, but of economic forces playing themselves out politically
Not by ideas in contrast but by socio-economic classes in political conflict
Dialectic will work out contradictions until they are resolved → peace and freedom achieved because resolved conflicts
Secularized version of God working himself out in history to the promised land
We identify with our class, with our struggle, participate in the Kairos by engaging in revolution - violent political change
Powerful pseudo-religious ideology
Nationalism: nation-state can take the role that God has taken in the past:
Patriotic devotion to the nation state
Sacrifice for it
Participation in its history and will follow you upon your death
19th century fierce nationalism
Nationalism when understood as will wedded to emerging scientific/industrial revolution, imperialism
Ways in which people have secular pseudo-religious ideologies to fill the gap left by erosion of Christian framework
Fragmented as a nation for centuries, united Bismark 1870
Nationalism fierce in Germany because finally political entity with tremendous economic and industrial power/scientific production
Sees itself in competition, lagging behind other countries, France, England in creation of world empire. Nationalism/imperialism paramount.
Disaster: WWI: all this machinery that was supposed to bring us to utopia, dreches Europe in tidal wave of blood and destruction. Generation decimated.
Germany especially traumatized - defeated.
Victors: France and England especially treat Germany poorly, weaken it economically, cripple it militarily
Tainted by Luther’s horrible antisemitism
Rhineland mystics: neoplatonic, gnostic
Critiques by positivism of German idealism: wedded to the success of scientific materialism
Marxism real threat in Germany
Goethe: romantic tradition: romanticism becoming decadent in Germany
Fragmentation of protestant reformation
Will to power
Philosophical vacuum
Racist interpretation of history to try and replace Hegel’s idealistic interpretation of history, or Marx’s economic interpretation
All come together in Hitler’s auto-didactic mind
Dangers of auto-didactic approach to meaning crisis.
(This is where some of his fear of auto-didacticism comes in)
Meaning crisis comes to fever pitch
Mein Kumpf: verges on incoherence due to Hitler’s attempt to articulate all of this personally
Hitler like Luther: sees his own personal struggle as representative of all of germany and western civilization. Exemplifies this chaos and articulates weird mythology
More than just facism and racism: in service of a gnostic nightmare
(How is it that the gnostics got so much right in terms of participatory knowing but so dangerous an ideology. Seems there is a great danger to participatory knowing which can be subject to serious bias. Is the risk worth it? Can we divorce the good from the bad here?)
True self in our blood - decadent romanticism
Here we are, we are a master race trapped within a worldwide conspiracy keeping us from our divine heritage, only by opposing and trying to thwart the evil overlords can we come to our true divine heritage as the master race that is in our blood and in the soil of our nation
The ones who worship the demiurge are the Jews
Hitler crafting something between a religious totalitarian ideology and a personal mythology that he exemplifies
Not just a political movement: pseudo-religious ideology. Totalitarian proposal confuses and distorts mythicism, nationalism, infused with decadent romanticism and gnostic ideology, will to power
Triumph of the WIll: propaganda Nazi film
Tsunami of bullshit: all of these currents that are emerging out of the collapse of the three orders, spun by Hitler to give people a powerful response to the exigent intensity of the meaning crisis
Intensified by socio-economic collapse of the great depression. Seems to vindicate gnostic nightmare.
World War II: Battle of Kursk
Nazism vs. Maxism meet in titanic struggle on Eastern front in WWII
Battle of Kursk: 1943 - nothing like it anywhere else in world history. Biggest battle ever.
Millions of men. Thousands of tanks and airplanes. Brutal and vicious.
Russian victory: beginning of end of Nazi, ascendence of Soviets
Literally beyond comprehension in terms of size and scope and death, shear amount of technology and material - impact on genealogy of meaning crisis
Tremendous struggle symptomatic of meaning crisis
Both sides fixated on belief, totalitarian ideologies, secularized religion
Ideas supposed to explain history, reality, how to achieve utopia, recapture axial legacy
Politicization of the quest for meaning. Mythology confused with politics
Perspectival knowing reduced to political viewpoint, participatory knowing reduced to political identification
Titanic struggle of wills
Meta Crisis
Legacy: soviet union also collapses
Secularized political process of pseudo religious ideologies both symptomatic and and contributes to the meaning crisis - feedback loop
Meta-crisis: Thomas Bjorkman: intertwining crises:
To address this require comprehensive change in:
Only thing in the past that create systematic sets of psycho-technologies that transform cognition, culture, character in interdependent ways was religion
In the 19th and 20th centuries tried to create alternatives
Need to respond to the meta-crisis, but traumatized by the pseudo-religious ideologies
Some people trying nostalgic return to religion: fundamentalism (including some atheists)
Can interact with politicization: get potential for terrorism.
So doubtful of all this as a response: post religious
Fragmented, auto-didactic
Dangerous interactions
Seem to need a religion that isn’t a religion
To see meaning crisis is a struggle between political ideologies, using violence or argument to change belief is to misrepresent the meaning crisis - there is no political solution
Need a God beyond all gods.
For many this is a dilemma
The clash locks us into this dilemma - the aspect of the meaning crisis where we need a religion that is not a religion
Moby-Dick: is about this dilemma - could make a good case for this
Zombie mythology could be an articulation of this
Cognitive Scientific Analysis of the Machinery of Meaning Making
Time to move onto a cognitive scientific analysis of the machinery of meaning making
Use it to build a theoretical structure for recovering and salvaging what we can of the axial legacy
Hopefully afford the engineering of new psycho-technologies
Affording people the means to begin the process of individually and collectively creating systematic sets of psycho-technologies, bring back sapiential (relating to wisdom) pursuit of self-transcendence
What is Cognitive Science?
Recent discipline, late 70s
Idea: we have multiple disciplines studying minds:
Try to understand the mind by studying the brain. Patterns of neural activities
Neuroscience: FMRs, EEGs, etc.
Information Processing:
programs, algorithms, ways in which can make artificial intelligence
Computer science → AI → AGI
Try to make machines that actually are cognitive agents
Trying to understand behaviour, working memory, long term memory
Experiment on human beings
Linguistics: Important way in which mind operates and communicates
Talk about tree structures, transformational grammar, test judgments about if grammar makes sense
Anthropology: uses participant observation. Culture something need to know in participatory fashion
Looks at how to bridge those vocabularies
Mind is not clear. Science is fragmenting what mind means, fragmenting you: who and what you are
Need to capture the causal interaction between the levels, want to get them all talking to each other. Theoretical integration