The idea was for it to match the new design that landed last year as well. It’s missing some of the elements on the Ubuntu Desktop landing page and a few other things but what does everyone think of it? On the right track?
Part of this proposal as well is that the documentation is moving off the DocPad website and onto the Bevry learning centre website. So we also have to do a redesign of that website too.
The Babel website could be great inspiration for that: (but without their yellow color scheme)
Redesign all the leaning centre or just implement the DocPad docs into the learning centre style?
As if you look at the layout now compared to the babel docs it’s pretty close match with the fixed menu on the right.
Hi all - how about getting this moving again. I want to propose using a template, either free or paid for (HTML templates are usually quite cheap) and modifying/adapting it for our purposes. This will enable us to get a good looking site up quickly and cheaply. We can then change colour schemes, typography, images and menu systems (and probably get rid of any sliders!).
To get this going we need to decide between us what style of site we want (take a vote?). This is what I think the contenders are?
Thanks for the update @balupton but we still need a vote. My design is cleaner and the template feels cheap to me. Also more professional to do our own open-source landing page design that’s fully branded our own.
I think we if we can get the plugins and the tech stack stuff from yours into the latest from @SteveMcArthur then we will be winning. I’m happy for this to come later, with post-launch refinements that can be as sporadic or as frequent as the pull requests come in. There’s been a lot of refinements over the past few months to get the entire @SteveMcArthur design for landing and other pages pretty solid.