Best Media on Family & Societal Collapse

This is the best media I’ve found on how quickly a family and a society can deteriorate.

Ordered by extreme traumatising tragedy to partially uplifting.

The Gulag Archipelago

To what extent can an entire society absolutely fall apart and for how long.


What is more fearful than sociopaths: libertines.

The Rape of Nanking

To what extent can human virtue be destroyed?

Ordinary Men

To what extent can human virtue be destroyed?

Visitor Q

How dysfunctional can a collapsing family get?


What are the consequences of not taking trauma seriously?

Crime and Punishment

Can you save everyone? Do some people even deserve to be saved?


Can you save everyone?


To what extent can the human virtue be destroyed?


To what extent can human virtue be destroyed?

The Witch

Can a family be honest about their short comings?

Cold Fish

Can a coward of a father earn the subconscious right to his family?

Eyes Wide Shut

Is temptation worth it to the family structure?

Belle De Jour

What are the consequences of sexual liberation?

Guilty of Romance

What are the consequences of sexual liberation?

Blue Velvet

Can a man avoid falling further and further into his curiosity?


An upcoming father wrestles subconsciously with the responsibilities facing him.


A mother struggles to keep her family together and retain her psyche while unfortunate circumstances plague it.

The Babadook

A mother struggles to keep her family together and retain her psyche while past trauma escalates within her.

Under the Shadow

A mother struggles to keep her family together and retain her psyche under the circumstances of the war-torn Tehran.

Through a Glass Darkly

Sometimes the line between madness and sanity is too close to distinguish.


Can a family survive the ordeal of the tsunami that affected Japan?

Requiem for a Dream

A series of family members wrestle with their own unique forms of addiction.

Beautiful Boy

Can a family survive a drug addiction of their child?

Beautiful Boy

Can a family survive the sins of their child?

Life of Pi

A teenager wrestles subconsciously with what is demanded of him for his survival at sea.


Can a young adult overcome his deficiencies?

Leave No Trace

A father suffering from post-war PTSD wishes to instil rugged individualism in his daughter, with an overview of the contrast of pros and cons.

The Prodigy

To what extent does our education system empower our growth?

The Zahir

To what extent are you different from your partner?

The Reader

A boy falls in love with an older woman on the backdrop of post-WW2.

The Garden of Words

A boy falls in love with an older woman.

The New World

In the real life story of Pocahontas, the accepted nature of her two sequential lovers contrast themselves.

Miracle Apples

Can a man save his wife from farming chemicals that make her sick, despite the poverty they endure from his actions.

Revolutionary Road

Are you as extraordinary as you think? And if so, what does that belief cost you?

La Dolce Vita

A man struggles with his accepting himself.

Gone with the Wind

Can a family survive the American civil war?

Official Secrets

What happens if the government is in control of prosecuting itself?


Can a coward of a father earn the subconscious right to his family?

The Anthem of the Heart

A young girl’s circumstances causes her to accept emotional responsibility for her parent’s failed marriage.

The Boy and the Beast

An orphan boy must fend for himself

The Impossible

Can a family survive the ordeal of the tsunami that affected Thailand?

Wolf Children

Can a mother loosen her maternal instincts while her children grow?