discussion notes
first meeting
People would choose comfortable hell over changing things.
Dealing with phobias and bad relationship.
Sometimes getting rid of everything related to that phobia or person help you move on.
In the long term, you want to derive the correct lessons from these things and move on that way.
Putting yourself together and possibilities that open up with it. Importance of being a fool.
Getting away from family to confront the unknown.
- If it’s too comfortable at home - you would never leave.
Acting stupidly and not face the consequences.
Thinking your job is important vs it’s meaningless.
- Appreciate people who are doing a good job esp. People at the bottom of dominance hierarchy.
Exercise: Giving up something of value (sacrifice) to build up delayed gratification circuits in your brain.
Investing high amount of money in the begging to make sure you take this thing seriously.
second meeting
Bible is a revised document
Oughts and is are like the chicken and the egg - they evolve each other
Free will vs agency
Free will could be defined as predictions of one’s actions
- Darren Brown seems to then indicate there is no free will:
- Darren Brown seems to then indicate there is no free will:
Or perhaps free will could be defined as predictions of one’s dreams
Different thought processes and emotional states for - input, output, and processing
Deciphering Peterson
Ideology is man worship. Religions worship the metaphysical.
Metaphysical truth is a subjective truth, not an objective truth, nor even a universal truth - so can be true for an individual from their subjective relative experiential knowledge, but not true for others - this can be delusional at times.
Usage of atheism seems to be secularism, not atheism.